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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Just had to point out how much I enjoyed my growler of Alpine Duet. I hope one day they bottle this and you'll be able to find it on our shelves. Poured a nice big fluffy head. Nice clean, clear amber color. Aromas of citrus come off. Pineapple and grapefruit dominate for me. Some pine and malt as it warmed up. Taste was just like the smell. Citrus and pine. Medium, sticky body. Left a nice lace on my Port Brewery mug. 92 out of 100.

Mikkeller - Beer Geek Breakfast 500ml
Imperial Stout - 7.50%
I guess it's never too hot for a Imperial Stout in my house. Poured this into my Chimay glass. Dark brown with a creamy light brown head. Scents of chocolate, coffee, and roasted malts. Like the nose, coffee and chocolate on the forefront. Medium to full body. Easy drinking with the 7.5% abv. I think I could have this with pancakes. 90 out of 100.

Port Brewing Company - Panzer 22oz
Imperial Pilsner - 10%
San Marcos, U.S

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