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Friday, June 5, 2009

New Arrivals

Moylan's - Kilt Lifter - 22oz
Scotch Ale - 8%
Novato, California

Moylan's - Ryan Sullivan's Imperial Stout - 22oz
Russian Imperial Stout - 10%
Novato, California

Rodenbach - Grand Cru - 750ml
Flander Red Ale - 6%
This finally made it's way back to the Olive Tree. Dark reddish amber color. Small head that dissipates quickly leaving a nice film around the outer edge of the rim. Slight vinegar on the nose along with dark cherries and some wood. On the palate, dark cherries, currents, vinegar and oak. Lovely tart finish. At 6% and bottle cost at $9.69 I could drink this all day. Welcome back Rodenbach.

Russian River - Consecration - 750ml
American Wild Ale - 10%
California, U.S
New batch marked 002x1.


  1. Do you guys still have Brabant in stock?

  2. I have one Avery Brabant left. Email me if your still interested.


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