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Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Beers

Widmer - 84/09 Double Alt 25th Anniversary - 22oz
Altbier - 9.80%
Oregon, U.S
A great way to celebrate 25 years of business. Poured a dark brown color with a nice two finger head. Lovely aromas of malt and nutty sweetness. Lots of malts and nuts in the flavors. Even some dried fruit. Nice creamy mouthfeel. Goes down nice and smooth. Very well balanced with such a high percentage of alcohol. Kudos to Widmer. Will be cellaring a few of these.
4 stars out of 5.

Sierra Nevada - Southern Hemisphere Harvest Fresh Hop Ale - 22oz
American Pale Ale - 6.70%
California, U.S

North Coast - Ruedrich's Red Seal - 12oz six packs
American Amber/Red Ale - 5.50%
California, U.S

Ballast Point - Dorado - 22oz
Double I.P.A - 9.60%
San Diego, U.S
Just received a few cases. Had this side by side with a east coast Double I.P.A. The Dorado blew the competition out of the water. A great example of what a Double I.P.A should taste like.
4 and a half stars out of 5.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, Mike. Just ran across this. I'll have to come check it out.



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